Copyright 2024 Miller Reporting Group Inc.

​When that technical arbitration or weeks of realtime depositions in Asia hits your schedule, Miller Reporting Group is that missing piece of the puzzle.

​Our team has weathered all matter of cases, including environmental disasters, financial meltdowns and criminal prosecution of terrorism suspects.

When "We'll just find someone local" won't do, call Miller. 

Think of Miller Reporting Group as your designated hitter, waiting on the bench to knock it out of the park when you need it most. When that technical realtime dep or international arbitration hits your scheduling department and you have no clue how you'll cover it, call us.

Give us your business cards and we'll gladly hand them out and take care of your best clients, just as you would. Whether we're your agency's Texas outpost or your global solution, your clients will benefit from our decades in the trenches and realtime expertise.

Every agency dreads calls from their clients like, "The reporter couldn't get the realtime up," or "They kept interrupting the expert."  With Miller's 30-plus years of experience, he's learned how to read the room and has tackled every conceivable subject matter, including extensive work in maritime, environmental, large corporate bankruptcies, pharmaceuticals, toxic tort, and intellectual property matters.  And since Mike was one of the creators and the lead presenter of the NCRA Realtime Systems Administrator Certificate program, you can rest assured that mission-critical realtime feed will be trouble free every time.

Our clientele consists exclusively of reporting agencies. We have no direct attorney clients. We've never uttered the words, "Hey, why don't you just call us directly next time." That's not how we do business. Rest assured that your clients will be well cared for in our hands, and that we'll return them to you once the job is  done.

Miller Reporting Group... Let us make you look good.