In today's world of global litigation and international arbitrations, with billions of dollars on the line at any given time, "good enough" is never good enough.  You need a realtime court reporter that is as technically advanced as the case at hand, whether you're in Houston or Helsinki.

You need to call Miller.

The answer is always "yes."

Copyright 2024 Miller Reporting Group Inc.

Global reach

Technology vanguards

In today's litigation landscape, global is local.  When there's billions of dollars on the line, finding a warm body that just happens to be nearby is rarely the right choice.  Be certain you've got a certified, qualified court reporter.  Call Miller.

Whether it's seemingly impossible delivery schedules, understanding the nuances of foreign immigration, or getting dozens of realtime feeds up and running, you can count on Miller Reporting Group.

Not only do we bring decades of realtime reporting expertise to every job, Miller Reporting Group also has all the tools available to keep pace with modern global litigation.  To quote Arthur C. Clarke, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."